Tuesday, September 17

World Tech

World Tech

14 Proven Solutions To Fix “Unfortunately, Instagram Has Stopped” On Android

You may be using the Instagram application, and everyone has that application on their phone right now. But have you ever come across a single bug where you couldn’t log in because the application wasn’t working? What I mean is that you will see an error message that unfortunately says that Instagram has stopped or is still collapsing. If you’re worried about this problem, I’m sure you’re looking for solutions to it. I’ve got a few things I think you should try to get out of. So I recommend that you read this article in its entirety and learn simple and effective ways to fix the Instagram breaker on Android. How can I cancel the Sorry, Instagram has stopped the error message on Android? You may not know this, but in fact many Instagram users have experie...
World Tech

Android LogCat Filter for multiple tags in Eclipse –

Question or issue in pp Development: Clicked on create filter could not figure out from docs how to create a filter for say two or more tags. If I have two tags com.test.TestClassA and com.test.TestClassB how do I create a filter that shows log for both of these classes? I saw how you can start ADB for only certain tags, but how can this be done in eclipse? Please provide details thanks. What exactly do I need to enter on the tag line when creating a new filter in eclipse? How to solve this issue? Solution no. 1: As pointed by Brain Reinhold you can combine tag filters with vertical bar | (which obviously means logical “OR”). You can also use that (as well as other Regex) syntax in the logcat search box (by preceding tags with tag: prefix): tag:com.test.TestClassA|com.test.TestClassB More ...